Sunday, 18 November 2018


Social history of childhood in Britain, America and Canada: Checklist of books consulted.

Most of the original research was done before 1983.  I have added a few relevant books published after that date, but have not attempted a comprehensive update of relevant publications.

Almost all the research was done in the wonderful collections of Birmingham Reference Library, a public library in the U.K., now the Library of Birmingham.  The Parker Collection of Children’s Books and Games, which is arranged on the shelves in order of publication date, is an excellent source of original books for children. The library also contains an extensive collection of biographies, autobiographies and diaries, which were, at that time, mostly filed together.  There is also a very comprehensive collection of journals such as the Early English Text Society re-publications of early printed and manuscript texts, with excellent scholarly notes.  Of course the library also contains standard historical sources, and books on the history of education, childhood, toys and games, social background, complete collections of Parliamentary reports, and similar background material.  As a librarian with access to the closed access book store I was able to use all these sources. 

I have since made extensive use of the internet, checking references and sources, particularly digitised books, and Wikipedia.  Digitisation has been a marvellous advance in making resources available, and anyone wanting to examine the references I used should check for digitised copies. 

I have divided the list of references under the following headings:

British biography, autobiography and diaries
Educational texts published in the U.K.
British background
American and Canadian biography, autobiography and diaries
American educational texts
American background
American and Canadian fiction.

I have hopefully provided enough detail for readers to be able to source the books, but I have only provided full publishing details where I felt these were really necessary finding aids.  Using the internet, full details of publisher are not usually needed to track a book down.

Educational texts published in the U.K. would also often have been used in America and Canada, while American educational texts would have been published just for use in the American colony, and just in America, after Independence. Fiction, both children’s and adult, published in the U.K. would often have  been available in America and Canada.  Fiction published by American and Canadian authors would also, often, have been read in the U.K.; books such as Little Women, are classics read all over the English speaking world, and probably beyond, but I felt it would be useful to list American and Canadian authors separately because the books I referenced reflect their background.   I have only listed fiction books I quoted from.

I have included dates and some background detail of authors and subjects of biographies where I thought these would be useful guides to context.


Angier, John, (1605-1677): Oliver Heywood’s Life of John Angier of Denton, Cheltenham Society, 1937 (Nonconformist Minister, involved in religious controversy during the British Civil War))

Anstey, pseud.: Thomas Anstey Guthrie (1856-1934) A Long Retrospect, 1936 (Autobiography of Thomas Guthrie, British journalist and comic novelist, writing under the name Thomas Anstey; author of Vice Versa)

Arnold, Dr. Matthew (1822-1888) Stanley, A.P. Life of Dr. Arnold, 1844 (Life of the influential educational reformer and headmaster of Rugby public school)

Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury (1801-1885): Hodder, E. The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, Vol. 1, 1886 (Politician, philanthropist and social reformer)

Aspinall-Oglander, Cecil, Nunwell Symphony, 1945 (About the Aspinall-Oglander family who owned Nunwell on the Isle of Wight)

Asser, Life of King Alfred, 893.  In: J.A. Giles, Six Old English Chronicles, see also William Camden’s edition, 1603

Baxter, Richard (1615-1691), Autobiography of Richard Baxter, being the Reliquiam Baxterianae abridged from the Folio (1696) Introduction ...etc. by J.M. Lloyd Thomas, 1925 (British Puritan minister and writer)

Blundell, William (1620-1698) Margaret, ed. Cavalier Letters of William Blundell to his Friends, 1620-1698, pub. 1933 (Royalist at the time of the British Civil War)

Blundell, William,   Margaret Blundell, editor, Blundell’s Diary and Letter Book, 1702-1728, pub. 1952
Bramstone, Sir John (1611-1700) Autobiography of Sir John Bramstone, K. B. Camden Society 1st series, vol. 32, 1845

Brazil, Angela (1868-1947) Foster, Gillian, The Schoolgirl Ethic; the Life and Work of Angela Brazil, 1976 (Angela Brazil was a writer of very popular girls’ boarding school stories)

Bronte, Charlotte (1816-1855) Gaskell, Elizabeth, The Life of Charlotte Bronte, first published  1857; edited by Winifred Gerin, 1921 (Charlotte Bronte was the daughter of a clergyman, sent to a boarding school for the daughters of the clergy, then a governess.  Writer of Jane Eyre, based partly on her school experience, sister to Anne and Emily Bronte)

Cholmondeley, R. editor. The Heber letters, 1787-1832, 1950

Churchill, Winston (1874-1965) My Early Life, 1930 (Churchill was a British aristocrat, member of the Churchill family, politician and war leader during World War II.  His mother was an American heiress)

Clarendon, Edward Hyde (1609-1674) The life of Edward Earl of Clarendon written by himself, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1827 Clarendon was a statesman and aristocrat, and Chancellor to Charles II)

Clark, Kenneth (190-3-1983) Another Part of the Wood, 1974 ((Art historian, broadcaster, museum director, creator of the TV series Civilization, 1969)

Cobbe, Francis Power (1822-1904) Life of Francis Power Cobb.  By herself.  2 vols, Bentley, London, 1894 (Irish suffragette and social reformer)

Crisp, Stephen (1628-1692) Journal of the life of Stephen Crisp. The Friends’ Library vol. 14, Philadelphia, 1850 (Crisp was a famous Quaker preacher, born in Colchester, England, credited with introducing the Quaker faith to the Low Countries (Wikipedia)

Curzon, Lord George, (1859-1925) Moseley, Leonard, Curzon, the End of an Epoch, 1960. With quotations from Lord George Curzon’s memoirs, about his very difficult childhood.

Darwin, Charles (1809-1882) : Francis Darwin,  editor. The life and letters of Charles Darwin, Vol. 1, John Murray, London, 1888 (British scientist, author of On the Origin of Species, 1859, the controversial book which first described evolution)

Dee, Dr. John, The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee (1527-1608) edited by J. O. Halliwell, Camden Society 1st series vol. 19, 1842

Delaney, Mary (1700-1788) The Autobiography and Correspondence of Mary Granville, Mrs. Delaney...edited by Lady Llanover, 6 vols, Bentley, London, 1861 (Vol. 2) (English artist, bluestocking and writer)

D’Ewes, Sir Simonds, (1602-1650) Autobiography and Correspondence of Sir Simonds D’Ewes, Bart during the reigns of James I and Charles I,...edited by J.O. Halliwell, 2 vols, Bentley, London, 1845 (Vol. 2)

Drummond family; Bolitho, Hector, and Peel, D. The Drummonds of Charing Cross, 1967 (Founders of Drummonds Bank)

Ellwood, Thomas (1639-1714) The History of the Life of Thomas Ellwood... written by his own hand with a supplement by J. W., 1714 (Life of a rural English squire)

Evelyn, John (1620-1706) Diary of John Evelyn,...edited by William Bray, London, 1879. (English writer, gardener and diarist)

Evelyn, John, The Golden Book of St. John Chrystostom concerning the education of children, translated by John Evelyn, 1659, quoted in: Evelyn, Helen, The Evelyn family, 1915.

Farjeon, Eleanor (1881-1965) A nursery in the nineties, 1935 (Writer of children’s fiction and poet)

Forman, Dr. Simon (1552-1611) The Autobiography and Personal Diary of Dr. Simon Forman, the celebrated astrologer, 1552-1602, edited by J.O. Halliwell. 1849

Fox, Charles James, (1749-1806) Hobhouse, Christopher, Fox, 1934 (life of the dissolute Whig politician)

Fox, William Johnson (1786-1864) Garnett, Richard and Edward, The Life of W.J. Fox, public teacher and social reformer, 1786-1864, published 1910.

Gosse, Edmund (1849-1928) Father and Son, 1907 (Gosse was brought up in the strict Nonconformist sect, the Plymouth Brethren)

Grahame, Kenneth (1859-1932) The Golden Age, 1895. (Journalist, writer for children, author of The Wind in the Willows)

Grahame, Kenneth, Dream Days, 1898

Grant, Elizabeth (1797-1830), Memoirs of a Highland lady, the Autobiography of Elizabeth Grant of Rothiemurchus, afterwards Mrs. Smith of Baltiboys, 1797 to 1830, pub.1911 (Describes growing up on the family’s Scottish estates)

Graves, Robert (1895-1985) Goodbye to All That, 1929, revised edition 1957 (Poet and writer; his autobiography, mainly known for its harrowing descriptions of World War I, also contains an account of his childhood and boarding school)

Greenaway, Kate (1846-1901) Spielman, M.H. and Layard, G. S. Kate Greenaway, 1905 (Biography of the children’s book illustrator)

Grey, Mrs. Edwin, Papers and Diaries of a York family, 1764-1839, pub. 1927

Hare, Augustus J.C.  The Gurneys of Earlham, 1895 (history of a prominent Quaker banking family based in Norfolk)

Haggard, Lilias  Rider, ( 1886-1962) Too Late for Tears, 1969. (British novelist)

Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928) Robert Gittings, Young Thomas Hardy, 1975 (British novelist)

Hare, Augustus J. (1834-1903) The Years with Mother, ed. Malcolm Brown, 1952.  An abridgement of the first three volumes of: The Story of my Life. (English writer)

Hawtrey family: Florence Molesworth Hawtrey The History of the Hawtrey family, 1903 (History of a middle class English family)

Heber family: Cholmondeley, R. editor. The Heber letters, 1787-1832, London, Butterworth, 1950 (A well-off family, which included several prominent Church of England clergy)

Henry, Philip, Diary and Letters of Philip Henry, M.A. 1631-1696, edited by Matthew Henry Lee, 1882 (English Nonconformist clergyman)

Henty, George (1832-1902) Fenn, G. Manville, George Alfred Henty, 1907 (British writer of boys’ historical adventure stories)

Hotham family: A.M.W. Stirling, The Hothams, being the Chronicles of the Hothams of Scarborough and South Dalton from their hitherto unpublished papers, 1918 (A family of Yorkshire landed gentry)

Hughes, Mary Vivian (1866-1956) A London Child of the 1870s, published 1934

Hurt family: Sitwell, George, The Hurts of Haldsworth, 1930 (The Hurt family, related to the Sitwells, British aristocracy)

Hutchinson, Lucy (mid 17th century poet, d.1681) Memorials of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson, Governor of Nottingham Castle and Town, 1908 edition. (Contains some references to her own upbringing)

Hutton, Caroline (1756-1846) Reminiscences of a Gentlewoman of the Last Century...Letters of Catherine Hutton, edited by...C.H. Beale, 1891 (Catherine Hutton was the daughter of the Birmingham historian William Hutton.)

Hutton, William (1723-1815)  Life of William which is subjoined, the history of his family, 1816

Huxley, Julian (1887-1975) Memories, 1970 (Biologist, from a scientific family, related to Charles Darwin)

Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927) My Life and Times, 1926 (English humorist, best known for Three Men in a Boat)

Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936) Something of Myself, 1937 (British novelist and writer of children’s books, born in India, but sent back to live in the U.K. where his childhood was very difficult)

Mackenzie, Compton (1883-1972) My Life and Times, 1963, Octave 1, 1883-1891 (British novelist, author of The Once and Future King, a novel about King Arthur)

Mackyn, Henry, Diary of Henry Mackyn, 1550-1563, Camden Society 1st series, vol. 42, 1848 (includes a description of charity schools)

Martineau, Harriet (1802-1876) Autobiography, with memorials by Maria Weston, 1877 (British educationalist and writer of children’s fiction)

Mildmay, Lady Grace (1552-1620)  Diary.  Quarterly Review, Vol. 15, pp. 119-138; 1911. (One of the earliest autobiographies of an English noblewoman.)

Mordaunt family: Hamilton, Elizabeth, The Mordaunts, 1965 (Minor British aristocracy, entertaining on life at Eton)

Mozley/Brodbelt family: Letters to Jane from Jamaica, 1788-1796, edited by Geraldine Mozley, West India Committee for the Institute of Jamaica,1938

Nelson, Horatio (1758-1805) Matcham, M.E. The Nelsons of Burnham Thorpe, a record of a Norfolk family 1911

Nesbit, Edith (1858-1924) Long Ago when I was Young, 1966 (British writer of children’s fiction, including The Railway Children. Co-founder of the Fabian Society)

Newbolt, Frances George (1863-1941) Clifton College Twenty-five Years Ago; the Diary of a Fag, 1904 (About school life at Clifton College, a school in Bristol)

Newcombe, Henry, Diary of the Rev. Henry Newcombe from Sept. 30 1661 to Sept. 29 1663 edited by Thomas Heywood. Chetham Society Publications Vol. 18, 1849

North, Hon. Roger (1653-1734), Autobiography of the Hon. Roger North, edited by A. Jessop, 1887 (The Norths were a British aristocratic and political family, Roger North’s elder brother Francis became Chancellor to Charles II)

North, Roger(1653-1734) Lives of the Right Hon. Francis North, Baron Guildford...The Hon. Dudley North...and the Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North, new edition, 1826

Oglander family: Aspinall-Oglander, Cecil, Nunwell Symphony, 1945 (A mid-17th century family, caught up in the English Civil War)

Paston family: The Paston Letters, 1422-1509, edited by James Gairdner, 1910 (These famous letters between members of a minor British aristocratic family give a fascinating picture of their daily lives)

Pepys, Samuel (1633-1703) The Diary of Samuel Pepys, a new and complete transcription, 10 vols.  (1660-1669) edited by Robert Latham and William Matthews, 1972  (Naval administrator, working in London in the time of Charles II, famous for his detailed diary)

Petty, Sir William (1623-1687) Epistle to his honoured friend Samuel Hartlib, 1647. (A letter about his children; in: Quick, Robert, Essays on educational reformers, 1893)

Pitt, William (1708-1778) Tunstall, Brian, William Pitt, First Earl of Chatham, 1938 (Life of William Pitt the Elder,  British statesman and 1st Earl of Chatham)

Potter, Beatrix (1866-1943) Lane, Margaret, The Tale of Beatrix Potter, 1946 (Writer and illustrator of books for very young children, including The Tale of Peter Rabbit)

Raverat, Gwen (1885-1957,) Period piece; a Cambridge Childhood, 1952 (Artist, related to the Darwin family)

Reeves, Marjorie (1905-2003), Sheep, Bell and Ploughshare, the story of two village families, 1978 (British historian and educationalist)

Ruskin, John (1819-1900) Praeterita, Vol. 1, 1900. (Autobiography of John Ruskin, writer and art critic)

Russell family; Dukes of Bedford: Thomson, Gladys Scott, The Russells in Bloomsbury, 1669-1771, published 1940

Shaftesbury: Anthony Ashley Cooper (1801-1835) 7th Earl of Shaftesbury:  Hodder, Edwin, The Life and work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, Vol. 1, 1886 (British politician and social reformer, renowned for championing the rights of chimney sweeps’ boys and child factory workers)

Shaw, Charles, When I was a Child, 1903, 1977 reprint (Born 1832, Charles Shaw worked in the Staffordshire, U.K. potteries as a child)

Sherwood, Mary Martha (1775-1851), The Life of Mrs. Sherwood edited by her daughter, 1857 (Mrs. Sherwood married a missionary to India, her children were born there, she later ran a small school, and wrote books for children including The History of the Fairchild Family)

Sitwell, Edith (1887-1964) Taken care of, 1965 (autobiography of Edith Sitwell, poet and sister of Osbert and Sacheverell Sitwell)

Sitwell , Osbert (1892-1969) Left Hand, Right Hand! 1945 (Sitwell’s autobiography)

Sitwell family:  Sitwell, Osbert, editor;  Two generations; The dew it lyes on the wood being the reminiscences of Georgiana Caroline Sitwell afterwards  Mrs. Campbell Swinton... Vestals and vestries.  Being the journal of Florence Alice Sitwell, 1940

Stanley family: Mitford, Nancy, The Stanleys of Alderley, 1939 (British aristocratic family and Conservative politicians.  Nancy Mitford, the author, is a novelist and historian, also from the British aristocracy)

Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894) Balfour, Graham, The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson, Vol. 1, 1901 (Scottish novelist and writer of children’s books, including Treasure Island)

Stukeley family: The family memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley 1687-1735. Surtees Society Publications Vol. 73, 1880 and Vol. 33, 1882 (English antiquarian)

Sturt, George (1863-1927), A Small Boy in the Sixties, 1927 (writer on rural crafts, born in Surrey)

Thompson, Flora (1876-1947) Lark Rise to Candleford, 1945 (Childhood in an Oxfordshire village)

Thornton, Alice, The Autobiography of Mrs. Alice Thornton of East Newton, Co. York. Surtees Society Publications Vol. 62, 1872, edited by Charles Jackson (Covering the years 1626-1707, including the English Civil War)

Tollemache family: Tollemache, E.D.H. The Tollemaches of Helmingham and Ham, 1949 (History of an old British aristocratic family mainly from Suffolk.  They donated Ham House to the National Trust)

Uttley, Alison (1884-1976) Ambush of Young Days, 1937 (Writer of the Little Grey Rabbit children’s books, brought up in rural Derbyshire)

Verney family: Verney, Frances Parthenope, Memoirs of the Verney family during the Civil War, 1892 (Minor British aristocracy, still living at Claydon House, Buckinghamshire. (In the British Civil War, 1642-1651, the family was split between supporters of Parliament and King Charles I)
Verney family:  Verney letters of the 18th century from the MSS at Claydon House, edited by Margaret Maria, Lady Verney, 1930

Queen Victoria ( 1819-1901) Fulford, Roger, editor; Darling Child.  Private Correspondence of Queen Victoria and the Crown Princess of Prussia, 1976 (The Crown Princess was Queen Victoria’s eldest daughter.  The letters date from the 1870s)

Queen Victoria:  Viscount Esher, editor, The Girlhood of Queen Victoria. A selection from her Majesty’s diaries between the years 1832 and 1840, published. 1912

Queen Victoria: Correspondence of Sarah Spencer, Lady Lyttelton 1787-1870, edited by her granddaughter, the Hon. Mrs. Hugh Wyndham, 1912. 

Queen Victoria: Lady Lyttelton: Letters from Sarah, Lady Lyttelton, 1797-1878, published 1873.

Queen Victoria: Bennett, Daphne, Queen Victoria’s Children, 1980

Walker, Elizabeth (1623-1690) Walker, Antony, The vertuous (sic)  wife; or, the holy life of Mrs. Elizabeth Walker, late wife of A. Walker, Doctor of Divinity, 1690. (Mrs. Walker was mother to eleven children, a devoted mother and wife, see Wikipedia for full details)

Wellesley, Arthur (1769-1862) lst Duke of Wellington: Guedalla, P. The Duke, 1931

Willoughby family: Willoughby, Sir Francis, Cassandra, Duchess of Chandos, the continuation of the history of the Willoughby family, edited by A. C. Wood, 1958 (Cassandra Brydges, 1670-1735)

Willoughby family: Chandos, Cassandra, Duchess of, History of the Willoughby family, n.d. Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, Report to the Commissioners on the manuscripts of Lord Middleton preserved at Woolerton Hall, Nottinghamshire, 1911 (Not consulted)

Woodford family: Woodford, D. Editor, Woodforde Papers and Diaries, 1932 (The Woodford, or Woodforde family were prolific diarists.  Robert Woodford was an obscure country parson, writing during the British Civil War,  James Woodforde was a country parson, Nancy Woodford wrote about her family  in 1792)

Woolf, Leonard (1880-1969) Sowing, an Autobiography of the Years 1880-1904, published 1960 (Leonard Woolf, born in London, educated at public school. Later married to the novelist Virginia Woolf)

Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941) Moments of Being, 1976 (British novelist; Virginia Woolf’s only directly autobiographical work)

Woolf, Virginia: Bell, Quentin, Virginia Woolf, a biography, 1972

Yonge, Charlotte Mary (1823-1901) Battiscombe, Georgiana, Charlotte Mary Yonge, the story of an uneventful life, 1943 (British novelist and writer of children’s books with a strong moral content)


Aelfric of Eynsham, 9th-10th century MS:  Aelfric’s Colloquy, in Albert E. Cook and Chauncey B. Tinker, Select translations from Old English prose, Ginn & Co, London, 1908
Ancrene Riwle, c.1230, edited by James Morton, Camden Society 1st series, vol. 57, 1853 (Also known as the Ancren Wisse, rules for the lives of anchoresses; female hermits)

Ascham, Roger, The Scholemaster, 1570 (Roger Ascham was tutor to Elizabeth I when she was a girl)

Ascham, Roger, The Whole Works of Roger Ascham...edited by Rev. Mr. Giles, 1864

Aubrey, John, A Plan of Education (1692, unpublished MS: An idea of education of young gentlemen, Bodleian MS Aubrey 10)  References in John Aubrey’s Brief Lives, edited from the original manuscripts and with an introduction by Oliver Lawson Dick, 1949

The Babees Book, edited by F. J. Furnival, Early English Text Society publications (EETS) vol. 32, Early English meals and manners, 1868, edited by F. J. Furnival, John Russell etc., an invaluable resource for child life in the medieval period.

Bennett, Charles, A History of Manual and Industrial Education to 1870, published 1926
The Boke of Curtasye, an English poem of the 14th century, edited by J. O. Halliwell, Percy Society Tracts, Vol. 4, 1849

Brinsley, John, Ludus Literarius or the Grammar Schoole, edited by E.T. Campagnac, 1917 (First published 1627)

Castiglione, Baldesser,  Il Corgetiano, 1528, The Book of the Courtier, translated by Sir Thomas Hoby (1530-1566) The  Book of the Courtier, 1561 (an extremely influential book on manners and behaviour.  Hoby was an English diplomat)

Caxton, William, Caxton’s Book of Courtesye, c. 1488, edited by F. J. Furnival, Early English Text Society extra series vol. 3, 1868.

Comenius, John Amos, Orbis Sensualium Pictus, Nuremberg, 1658, English translation by Charles Hoole, 1659 (The first known book to use woodcut pictures to teach children.  See Wikipedia for details of this famous Czech educator)

Cordier, Mathurin, Mathurinus Corderius’s School Colloquies English and Charles Hoole, London, 1709

Cordier, Mathurin Corderii colloquiorum centuria selecta...(translated by) John Clark.  1759
De Mandeville, Bernard, The Fable of the Bees, with an Essay on Charity and Charity Schools...(1723) 4th ed. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1725

Dietz, Friedrich; Rose, Valentine; Soranus; Soprani gynaeciorum vetus translation Latina, 1882 (Translation of the work of the influential Greek gynaecologist, obstetrician and paediatrician  Soranus, who worked in the 1st to 2nd century AD.  See Wikipedia and Encyclopaedia Britannica for details of Soranus work)

Erasmus, Desidarius (1466-1536) The Colloquies of Erasmus, translated by Craig R. Thompson, 1965 (Dutch scholar, humanist and religious reformer)

Erondell, Peter, In the nursery, dialogue 5, see M. St. Clare Byrne

Evelyn, John, The Golden Book of St. John Chrystostom concerning the education of children, translated by John Evelyn, 1659, quoted in: Evelyn, Helen, The Evelyn family, 1915.

The Exeter Book, an anthology of Anglo Saxon poetry, edited by Israel Gollancz, EETS original series vol. 104, 1895 (VIII, A Father’s Instruction)

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, Queene Elizabethes Academy, a book of precedence, Lansdowne MS 98, art. 1, leaf 2, EETS extra series B, edited by F. J. Furnivall, 1869

The Good Wyfe Wold a Pylyremage (sic) Porkington MS no. 10, leaf 135, back, c. 1460-70, edited by F. J. Furnivall, EETS extra series vol. 8, 1869

Hali Meidenhead. An alliterative homily of the 13th century. From MS Cotton Titus D XVIII, Fol. 1120. Edited by Oswald Cockayne, EETS original series no. 18, 1866

Henry VIII’s ABC both in Latyn & Englyshe being a facsimile reprint of the earliest extant English Reading Book.  With an introduction by E.S. Shuckburgh, M.A. Librarian of Emmanuel College.  London, Elliot Stock, 1889. (Henry VIII was interested in education and promoted the development of reading aids in English, rather than Latin or Greek)

Hoole, Charles, A New Discovery in the Old Art of Teaching School in Four Small Treatises. 1660; edited by E.T. Campagnac, 1913

Hoole, Charles, translator, Orbis Sensualium Pictus, 1658, Preface (See under Comenius for details of the book)

How the Good Wijf taught hir Doughtir, Lambeth MS 853, c. 1430, EETS Original series vol. 32, 1868

Janeway, James, A Token for Children.  Being an exact account of the conversion, Holy and Exemplary Lives, and Joyful Deaths of several Young Children, 1671-2. (James Janeway, 1636-1674, was a very influential Puritan minister and educator of children)

Jessey, Henry, A Looking-glass for Children, 3rd edition, 1673 (Henry Jessey, 1603-1663, Dissenting Minister, England)

Joceline, Elizabeth, The Mothers Legacie, to her Unborne Childe. Reprinted from the edition of 1625 with a biographical and historical introduction, 1853. (The thoughts of a very pious woman, who died in childbirth, about her child’s upbringing)

Locke, John (1632-1704) Report for the Reform of the Poor Law, 1697 (Enlightenment educator and philosopher who has a very strong influence on educational theory)

Locke, John (1632-1704) Some Thoughts concerning Education, 1693; 1913 edition with an introduction and notes by R.A. Quick, 1913

 Lydgate, John (1370-1451) Testament, Harleian MS 2255 vol. 60, c. 1389, In: J. O. Halliwell editor, A selection from the minor poems of John Lydgate, Percy Society Tracts, Vol. 2, 1840 (John Lydgate was a Catholic monk and poet)

Magdalen School colloquies: William Nelson, editor, A Fifteenth Century School Book, 1956.

Milton, John (1608-1674) Of Education, 1644 (Milton was a Puritan, secretary to Oliver Cromwell and author of Paradise Lost)

Mirc, John (or Myrk) Instructions for Parish Priests, c. 1400, edited by Edward Peacock, EETS Original series vol. 31, 1868 (Mirk was an Abbey canon active in Shropshire at the time of the Black Death)

Mulcaster, Richard (1531-1611) Elementarie, 1582 (Richard Mulcaster was Headmaster of the Merchant Taylors public school. His two books are about school education)

Mulcaster, Richard,  Positions, 1581 (A defence of public education)

 Rabalais, Francois (c.1490-1553)  Gargantua and Pantegruel, in The Complete Works, edited by Sir Thomas Urquart (1611-1660) and Peter Motteaux (1660-1718) Vol. 1, book 2, on the childhood of Gargantua (The stories of Rabalais were widely read across Europe)

Ratis Raving, c.1490? Cambridge University MS KK1.5,  EETS original series vol. 43, edited by J. Rawson Lumby, 1870

Rhodes, Hugh, The Boke of Nurture, or School of Good Manners for Men, Servants and Children...1577, EETS original series no. 32, edited by F.J. Furnival, 1868

Russell, John, The Boke of Nurture, c. 1447, in The Babees Book, edited by F. J. Furnivall, EETS original series vol. 32, 1868

Saint-Marthe, Scevole de, Paedotrophia, or, the art of nursing and rearing children, a poem in three books, 1584, translated into English by H. W. Tyler, 1797 (The first English translation was published in 1710)

The School of Good Manners, 1754

St. Clare Byrne, Muriel, The Elizabethan House, discovered in two dialogues by Claudius Hollyband and Peter Erondell, revised edition, 1930

Seager, F. The Schoole of Vertue, and Booke of Good Nourture for Children and Youth to Learn theyr Dutie By, 1557, EETS original series vol. 32, 1868

Sharp, Jane, The Midwives Book, or, The Whole Art of Midwifery, 1671.

Symons Lesson of Wysedome for all Maner Chyldren, from MS Bodleian 832, leaf 174, in EETS original series vol. 32, 1868

Thynne, Francis, Emblems and Epigrams, 1600, EETS original series vol. 64, 1876, edited by F. J. Furnivall. (emblem 59)

Trimmer, Mrs. Sarah, The Guardian of Education, 1802-5 (The earliest British journal concerning children’s education)

Vives, Juan Luis (1493-1540) The Education of a Christian woman, a sixteenth century manual, edited and translated by Charles Fantazzi, 2000 (Originally published 1523 as De Institutione Feminae Christianae, dedicated to Queen Catherine of Aragon.  Vives was an important  Renaissance scholar and humanist, invited by King Henry VIII and his wife Catherine of Aragon to tutor their daughter Princess Mary, later Queen Mary I)

Vives, Juan Luis, The Dialogues of Juan Luis Vives. Foster Watson, 1908

Williams, Nelson editor, A Fifteenth Century School Book, 1956 (The colloquies used at Magdalen School,. Oxford, from MS 249 fols 9r-61r Arundel Collection, British Library)

Withals, E. A Dictionary in English and Latine, devised for the capacities of children and young beginners...London, 1553; 1634 edition quoted.


Bennett, Charles Alpheus, A History of Manual and Industrial Education to 1870, pub. 1926 (Covers the subject in various countries.)

Bennett, Charles Alpheus, A History of Manual and Industrial Education 1870-1917, pub. 1937

Blyth, Ronald, Akenfield, 1969 (Portrait of life in an English village)

Borer, M.C.  Willingly to School.  A History of Women’s Education. 1976

Bratton, J.S. The Impact of Victorian Children’s Fiction, 1981

British Parliamentary Papers; Industrial Revolution, Children’s Employment, 15 vols, 1816-1867, Irish University Press Series, 1968 (Extensive information on the lives of working class children, with their testimonies)

British Parliamentary Papers:  Industrial Revolution; Children’s Employment  Vol. 6; First Report of the Commissioner for Mines, 1842. 

British Parliamentary Papers: The Sadler Report; Report from the Committee on the bill to regulate the labour of children in the mills and factories of the United Kingdom, 1832-3, Irish University Press series, vol. 2, 1968

Cambridge Medieval History, 8 vols, pub. 1911-1936, Vol. 8, chapter 23

Cheetham, A. And Parfitt, D., Eton Microcosm, 1964

Child Marriages, Divorces and Ratifications etc. in the Diocese of Chester, 1561-66, EETS original series vol. 108, 1897

Cunnington, Phillis and Lucas, Catherine, Costumes for Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1972

Cunnington, Phillis and Buck, Ann, Children’s Costume in England, 1300-1900, published 1965

Cutt, Nancy, Ministering Angels,  a study of 19th century Evangelical writing for children, Five Owls Press, 1979

Darton, F.J. Harvey, Children’s Books in England, 1932

DeMause, Lloyd, The History of Childhood, 1974

Early, Alice K. English Dolls, Effigies and Puppets, 1955

Findlay, Palmer, Priests of Lucina, the Story of Obstetrics, 1939

Fretwell, James, Yorkshire Diaries and Autobiographies in the 17th and 18th centuries.  Surtees Society Publications Vol. 65, 1875

Gardiner, Dorothy, English Girlhood at School, a study through twelve centuries, 1929

Gardner, Brian, The Public Schools, 1973

Gathorne-Hardy, Jonathan, The Public School Phenomenon, 1597-1977, published 1977

Gathorne-Hardy, Jonathan, The Rise and Fall of the British Nanny, 1972

Geddes, Joan Bel, Small World. A History of Babycare from the Stone Age to the Spock Age, 1964

Gibbs, Mary Ann, The years of the nannies, 1960

Giles, John Allen, Six old English Chronicles, 1848, includes Geoffrey of Monmouth, 1120?-1154,
Nennius, c. 796, John Asser, d. 909 (Chronicles of early English history, including some background information about life at the time they were written)

Girouard, Mark, Life in the English Country House, 1978

Giraldus Cambrensis, (1146-1223) The Historical Works of Giraldus Cambrensis; The Topography of Ireland, (1187) ed. Thomas Wright, 1863 (On the Irish and their children)

Gordon, Leslie, Peepshow into Paradise, a History of Children’s Toys, 1953

Grylls, David, Guardians and Angels: Parents and Children in 19th century Literature, 1978

Guillemeau, James, Child-birth or the Happy Delivery of Women To which is added a Tretise on the Diseases of Infants, and Young Children...1st English edition 1612. (Guillemeau was physican to the French king, his work was originally published in French in 1609, followed by English editions.)

Haffter, Carl, The Changeling: History and Psychodynamics of attitudes to Handicapped Children in European Folklore, Journal of the History of Behavioural Sciences, vol. 4, 1968, pp. 55-61 (Quoted in De Mause, op. cit)

Haining, Peter, Moveable Books, an IIlustrated History, 1979 (A history of moveable and pop-up books)

Hannas, Linda, The English Jigsaw Puzzle, 1760-1890, pub. 1972

Hartcup, Adeline, Children of the Great Country Houses, 1982

Hillier, Mary, Pageant of Toys, 1965 (A history of toys, both British and American)

Hollis, Christopher, Eton, a history, 1960
Honey, J. R. De S. Tom Brown’s Universe; the Development of the Public School in the 19th Century, 1977

Hubler, Angela E, editor, Little Red Readings, historical materialist perspectives on children’s literature, Children’s Literature Association Series, 2014

Jackson, Mrs. F. Nevill, Toys of Other Days, 1908

Jacobs, Flora Gill, A History of Dolls’ Houses, 1954

Johnson, Clifton, Old-time Schools and School-books, 1904 (Contains facsimile examples)

Jones, David, Toy with the Idea, Teaching Toys from the Collection of the Norfolk Museums service, 1980. (Exhibition catalogue.)

Kamm,. Josephine, Hope Deferred, Girls’ Education in English History, 1965

Keeling, Frederick, Child Labour in the United Kingdom, a study of the development and administration of the law relating to the employment of children, 1914

Keating, Peter, editor, Into Unknown England, 1866-1913, selections from the social explorers, 1976 (Selections from turn of the century descriptions of working class life in Britain)

King-Hall, Magdalen, The Story of the Nursery, 1958

Lawson, John and Silver, Harold, A Social history of Education in England, 1973

Locke, John, Report for the Reform of the Poor Law, 1697

Macquoid, Percy, Four Hundred Years of Children’s Costume from the Great Masters, 1400-1800, pub. 1923

Marcus, Steven, The Other Victorians, a study of sexuality and pornography in mid nineteenth century England, 1966

Markel, Michelle,  Balderdash; John Newbery and the Boisterous Birth of Children’s Books, illustrated by Nancy Carpenter, 1917. (A book for children about John Newbery,)

Matthews, William, British Autobiographies, an annotated bibliography of British autobiographies published or written before 1951, pub.  1955

Matthews, William, British Diaries, an annotated bibliography of British diaries written between 1442 and 1942, pub. 1950

Mayhew, Henry, Mayhew’s London, selections from London labour and the London poor, 1851, edited by Peter Quennell, 1969.

Moore, Doris Langley, The Child in Fashion, 1953 (Period covered, about 1760 on, included photographs of children wearing historic costume)

Muir, Percy, English Children’s Books 1600-1900. Published 1954

O’Malley, Andrew, The Making of the Modern Child, children’s literature and childhood in the late eighteenth century, 2003

Opie, Iona and Peter, A Nursery Companion, 1980

Orme, Nicholas, English Schools in the Middle Ages, 1973

Patterson, Sylvia W. Rousseau’s Emile and Early Children’s literature, 1971 (About the influence of the French philosopher)

Paul, Lissa, The Children’s Book Business, lessons from the long eighteenth century, 2010

Pearsall, Ronald, Night’s Black Angels: the forms and faces of Victorian cruelty, 1975

Pinchbeck, Ivy, and Hewitt, Margaret, Children in English society, 1969

Quick, Robert Herbert, Essays on Educational Reformers, 1893

Reeves, Marjorie (1905-2003) Sheep, Bell and Ploughshare, the story of two village families, 1978 (British historian)

Richards, Jeffery, Happiest Days, public schools in English fiction, 1988

Roe, Gordon, The Georgian Child, 1961

Roe, Gordon, The Victorian Child, 1959

Samuel, Raphael, editor, Village Life and Labour, 1975

Seabrook, Jeremy, Orphans, a History, 2018 (A history of abandonment from the Elizabethan Poor Law to today)

Sherard, Robert, The White Slaves of England, being a true picture of certain social conditions in the Kingdom of England in 1897.  Published 1897.

Sherard, Robert, The Child Slaves of Britain, 1905

Sims, George, How the Poor Live, and Horrible London, 1883

Stone, Lawrence, The Family, Sex and Marriage in England, 1500-1800, 1977

Strutt, James, Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, 1810

Sturt, Mary, The Education of the People, a history of primary education in England and Wales in the 19th century, 1967

Swinburn, H. Treatise of Spousals or Matrimonial Contracts, 1686, quoted in Child Marriages, op. Cit, EETS original series vol. 108, 1897

Thompson, Thea, Edwardian Childhoods, 1981

Thwaite, Mary,  From Primer to Pleasure in Reading, an introduction to the history of children’s books in England from the invention of printing to 1914, published 1963

Townsend, John Rowe, John Newbery and his Books; Trade and Plumb cake forever! Huzza! 1994

Tuer, Andrew, The History of the Hornbook, 1897 (With facsimile examples)

Venetian Ambassador to the Court of Henry VII: A Relation or Rather a True Account of the Island of England, c. 1500, translated by Charlotte Augusta Sneyd, Camden Society publications 1st series, vol. 37, 1847

Walvin, James, A Child’s World, A social history of English childhood, 1800-1914

Watson, Foster, The English Grammar Schools to 1660, published 1968

Watson, Foster, Vives and the Renascance (sic) Education of Women, 1913 (Juan Luis Vives, 1493-1540, Renaissance scholar and humanist, invited by King Henry VIII and his wife Catherine of Aragon to tutor their daughter Princess Mary, later Queen Mary I)

Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, English Local Government: English Poor Law history, 1929

Whitehouse, F.R.B. Table Games of Georgian and Victorian days, 1951

Zipes, Jack, The Oxford Encyclopaedia of Children’s Literature, 2004


Alcott, Louisa May (1832-1888) Her Life, Letters and Journals edited by Ednah Dow Cheney, 1889 (Children’s fiction writer, author of Little Women)

Antin, Mary, The Promised Land, Boston, 1912 (Account of a Jewish family who emigrated to America from Russia at the end of the 19th century)

Bowne, Eliza Southgate (1783-1809) A Girl’s Life Eighty Years Ago.  Selections from the letters of Eliza Southgate Bowne. 1888 (Born in Scarborough, Maine, daughter of a wealthy landowner, she was educated locally, then at boarding school in Boston)

Carnegie, Andrew (1835-1919) Autobiography, 1920 (Born in Scotland, Carnegie emigrated to America with his parents in 1848. He became one of the USA’s richest men and a great philanthropist

Clay-Copton, Virginia Tunstall, A Belle of the Ffties...Memoirs of Mrs. Clay of Alabama...1853-1866, published 1905

Crisp, Stephen (1628-1692) Journal of the Life of Stephen Crisp, The Friends’ Library, Vol. 14, Philadelphia, 1850

Croker, John (1825-1890) Brief Memoir of the Life of John Croker, The Friends’ Library, Vol. 14, Philadelphia, 1850

Cutler, Leland Whitman (1885-1959) America is Good to a Country Boy, 1954

Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886), Bianchi, Martha Dickinson; The Life and Letters of Emily Dickinson 1924 (American poet, living in Amhurst, Massachusetts)

Douglas, Frederick (c.1818-1895) Quarles, Benjamin editor Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas, written by himself, 1960 (former slave; abolitionist, social reformer, writer and statesman)

Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882) Cabot, James Elliot, A Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 2 vols, 1887 (American poet and philosopher)

Fithian, Philip Vickers, Journal and Letters of Philip Vickers Fithian, 1773-1774, a plantation tutor of the Old Dominion, edited by Hunter D. Parish, 1945

Grant, Mrs. Anna(1755-1838) Memoirs of an American Lady, 1808 (Mrs. Grant was a Scottish poet.  As a child she and her mother followed her soldier father to America during the American War of Independence)

Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804-1864) Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne, Memories of Hawthorne, 1897 (American novelist, born in Salem, Massachusetts, author of The Scarlet Letter)

Henson, Josiah (1789-1883) The Life of Josiah Henson, as narrated by himself. 1845 (former slave; abolitionist and minister)

Hechinger, Fred M. and Grace, Growing up in America, 1975

James, Henry (1843-1916) A Small boy and Others, 1913 (American novelist, brought up in New York)

James, Henry: Edel, Leon, Henry James, Vol. 1, 1843-70, pub. 1953 (also referring to the childhood of Henry James senior, born 1803)

Mather, Cotton (1663-1728) Diary of Cotton Mather 1671-1724,   Boston, published by the Society, 1911 (Puritan minister living in Massachusetts)
Mather, Cotton, Diary, 1681-1708, Massachussetts Historical Society Collections, 7th series Vols. VII-VIII, Boston 1911.

Mather, Cotton; Wendell, Barrett, Cotton Mather, the Puritan Priest, 1891

Jennings, David. Abridgement of the Life of ...Dr. Cotton Mather, 1744 (Based on the diaries)

Muhlenberg family: Wallace, Paul A. The Muhlenbergs of Pennsylvania, 1950 (German American family, includes the founder of the American Lutheran church, congressmen and architects, see Wikipedia for details)

Osler family: Wilkinson, Anne Cochran, Lions in the Way, a discursive history of the Osler family, 1956 (By the Canadian poet Anne Cochran Wilkinson; the Oslers are her mother’s family, from Ontario)

Penn, William (1644-1718) Jennings, Howard, The Family of William Penn, 1899 (William Penn, the Quaker, founder of Pennsylvania)

Sewall, Samuel (1652-1730), Diary of Samuel Sewall 1674-1729, Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society Vol. 5, 5th series, Boston, 1888, 2nd edition. (Judge and businessman in Salem, Massachusetts, involved in the Salem witch trials, and anti-slavery activist)

Simmons, Leo W. Editor, Sun Chief, the Autobiography of a Hopi Indian, 1942

Twain, Mark, pseud. (Samuel Clemens, 1835-1910) Autobiography of Mark Twain, 1824 (American writer, brought up in Missouri and living in the Southern United States)

Wade Hampton: Family Letters of the three Wade Hamptons 1782-1901, edited by Charles E. Cauthen, 1953 (Slave owners in South Carolina)

Warner, Susan (1819-1885) Anna B. Warner, Susan Warner, 1909 (American writer of religious and children’s books, pen name Elizabeth Wetherall)

Winthrop, John (1587-1643) John Winthrop’s Christian Experience, New England, 1636-7.  In: The Winthrop papers, Massachusetts Historical Society, 1929, Vol. 1 (English Puritan and one of the founders of the Massachusetts Bay colony)

Wright, Mrs. D. Giraud, A Southern Girl in ’61,pub. 1905


Child, Mrs, Lydia Maria, The Mother’s Book, 4th edition 1831, Carter, Hendee, Babcock; Boston (Mrs. Child, 1802-1880, was an American abolitionist and women’s rights activist)

Ford, Paul, The New England Primer, a history of its origin and development; with a reprint of the unique copy of the earliest know edition...1897

Griswold, Rufus, Readings in American Poetry for the use of Schools, 1843

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, True Stories from History and Biography, 1855

Harris, Benjamin, The Protestant Tutor, 1713 (Garland Press reprint 1977.  A very popular primer)

Leavitt, Joshua, Easy Lessons in Reading for the use of the Younger Classes in Common Schools, Boston, 1827

Lord, John D.  A Modern History from the time of Luther to the fall of Napoleon. Philadelphia and Chicago, 1858

Lossing, Benjamin J. A Primary History of the United States, New York, 1874

Mather, Cotton, Corderius Americanus, an essay upon the good education of children, Boston, 1708 (Cotton Mather was a very influential Puritan minister)

Monroe, Mrs. Lewis B. The Advanced First Reader, Philadelphia, 1882

Picket, P. The Juvenile Expositor or, American school class-book, New York, 1819

Pierpont, John, The American First Class Book or, Exercises in reading and recitation, selected principally from modern authors of Great Britain and America...Boston, 1826

Prince, Thomas, A Chronological History of New England in the form of Annals. Boston, 1736. Bibliotheca Curiosa, Vols. 55-59, privately printed, Edinburgh, 1887


Bancroft, Hubert Howe, The Native Races of the Pacific States and North America, 5 vols, 1875

Blane, William Newnham, An Excursion through the United States and Canada during the years 1822-23, published 1824

Bremner,  Robert, editor Children and Youth in America.  A documentary history.  3 vols. 1970

Chauncy, Charles, Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England, Boston, 1743

Cotton, John, The Christian History, Vol. I, Boston, 1743, 1744 (Journal)

Earle, Alice Morse, Child life in Colonial Times, 1899

Erikson, Erik, Childhood and Society, 2nd edition, 1963 (Contains information on traditional Sioux upbringing)

Fleming, Sandford, Children’s Puritanism.  The place of children in the life and thought of the New England churches, 1620-1847, 1933.

Franklin, Benjamin, Proposals relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania, 1749 (Described in Bremner op. cit)

Good, Harry and Teller, James D. A History of American Education, 3rd ed. 1973

Gutman, Herbert T. The Black family in slavery and freedom, 1750-1925, pub. 1976

Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 1850- (Vols  for 1857, 1863, 1867, 1882, 1889   quoted on American schools, and American girlhood. The journal has a large number of articles on American education)

Harrison, Phyllis, editor The Home Children: Their personal stories. 1979. (British children sent to work and live on Canada farms between 1870 and 1930)

Hewitt, Karen and Roomet, Louise, Educational Toys in America, 1800 to the Present, pub. 1981

Hill-Tout, Charles. British North America, 1907 (On the history of British Columbia and native American peoples.

Johnson, Clifton, Old-time Schools and School-books, 1904 (An account of early American education)

Katz, Friedrich, The Ancient American Civilisations, 1972

Martineau, Harriet, Society in America, Vol. 3, New York, 1837.( An account by a British writer)

Matthews, William, An Annotated Bibliography of American Diaries, 1945

Matthews, William, American Diaries in Manuscript, 1580-1954, a descriptive bibliography, pub. 1974

Matthews, William, Canadian Diaries and Autobiographies, 1956

Mittelberger, Gottlieb, Journey to Pennsylvania, edited and transcribed by Oscar Handlin and John Clive, first published 1756; Cambridge, Mass, 1960

Monaghan, Jennifer, Learning to Read and Write in Colonial America, 2007

Morgan, Edmund S. The Puritan family. Essays on Religion and Domestic Relations in 17th century New England.  1956

Olmstead, Frederick Law, A Journey in the Back Country in the Winter of 1853-4, published 1860 (Poverty and slavery in Carolina)

Parr, Joy, Labouring children, British Immigrant Apprentices to Canada, 1869-1924, pub. 1980

Prince, Thomas, A Chronological History of New England in the Form of Annals, Boston, 1736. Bibliotheca Curiosa, Edinburgh, 1887

Renier, Jacqueline S. From Virtue to Character: American Childhood, 1775-1850, published 1996

Robinson, Harriet, Loom and Spindle, or life among the arly mill girls, 1898 (Campaigner for women’s rights)

Rosenbach, A.S.W. Early American Children’s Books, 1927; 1966 edition.

Trollope, Frances, Domestic Manners of the Americans, 1832 (By a British writer, mother of the novelist Anthony Trollope.  About her travels across America)


Andersen, Hans Christian, The Little Match Girl; Hans Andersen’s Fairy Tales, a new translation by Mrs. Paull,...1867

(Beddoes, Thomas) The History of Isaac Jenkins, and of the Sickness of Sarah, his Wife, and their Three Children, 1793

Blake, William, Songs of Innocence and of Experience, 1789

Bronte, Charlotte, Jane Eyre, 1847

Bunyan, John, A Book for Boys and Girls; or Country Rhymes for Children...Being a facsimile of the unique first edition published in 1686, deposited in the British Museum...1890 (Also know as Divine emblems; emblem 56)

‘Brenda” (Mrs. G.C.M. Smith) Froggy’s Little Brother, 1875

Burnett, Frances Hodgson, Little Lord Fauntleroy, 1886 (serialized in St. Nicholas in 1885. Frances Hodgson Burnett was a British novelist but spent much of her time in the USA)

Burnett, Frances Hodgson, A Little Princess, 1903 (originally published in St. Nicholas Magazine as Sara Crewe; or, What happened at Miss Minchin’s, 1888)

Burnett, Frances Hodgson, The Secret Garden, 1909

Butler, Samuel 1835-1902) Ernest Pontifax or, The Way of All Flesh, 1903 (A semi-autobiographical novel)

Carroll, Lewis, pseudo (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)  The Annotated Alice, with introduction and notes by Martin Gardner, 1960 (The two classics Alice in Wonderland and Alice through the Looking Glass were first published in 1865 and 1871)

Charlesworth, Maria, Ministering Children, 1854

Dickens, Charles, Hard Times, 1854

Dickens, Charles, Nicholas Nickleby, 1839

Dickens, Charles, Oliver Twist, 1839

Disraeli, Benjamin, Sybil or, The Two Nations, 1845 (A novel about the rich and poor in the U.K.)
Edgeworth, Maria, The Parents’ Assistant, 1796 (Six volumes of stories for children.  No copy of the first edition is known, an 1800 edition is available on the internet)

Farrar, F.W. Eric or Little by Little, 1858 (A boys’ school story)

Gaskell, Elizabeth, North and South, 1854 (A novel which compares factory workers lives in the north of England with rural, and affluent, life in the south of England)

The Girls’ Own Paper, journal for teenage girls published 1880-1956, quotations from Vol. 20, 1898-9, Vol. 27, 1905 (British girl’s journal)

Grimm, Jakob and Wilhelm, German Popular Stories, translated by Edgar Taylor, 1823, facsimile edition, Scholar Press, 1971 (Originally published, in German, from 1812, first translated into English 1823. The folk tales were not originally intended for children, but became extremely important in the rehabilitation of imaginative literature for children)

Hocking, Silas, Her Benny, 1879 (A Victorian best-seller about destitute children in Liverpool)

Hughes, Mary, The Ornaments Discovered, 1815, quotes from 1822 edition (A moral tale for children)

Hughes, Thomas, Tom Brown’s Schooldays, 1857 (About life at Rugby public school)

King Horn, edited by J. Rawson Lumby, EETS original series vol. 14, 1866 (a 13th century romance with detail of medieval life)

Kingsley, Charles, The Water Babies, a fairy tale for a land baby, 1863 (A best-selling story for children covering both the hard lives of chimney sweepers’ boys with moral lessons in behaviour)

Kipling, Rudyard, Stalky & Co, 1899 (A tongue-in-cheek story about public school life)

Langland, William, The Vision of Piers Plowman, 1392 (A Middle-English narrative poem, written in the Midlands,  which references social conditions at the time.  Various editions are available)

Little Mary’s First book of Original Poetry, 1852

Mackenzie, Compton, Sinister Street, 1913 (A novel about growing up in a middle class household)

Macdonald, George, At the Back of the North Wind, 1871 (A fantasy for children about the lives of the poor, combined with moral lessons)

Marmaduke Multiply’s Merry Method of Making Minor Mathematicians, 1816 (A popular chapbook)

Moore, George, Esther Waters, 1894 (a novel about a poor, unmarried, mother and servant)

Morrison, Arthur, A Child of the Jago, 1896 (A novel about working class life in London)

Nesbit, Edith, The New Treasure Seekers, 1904 (A children’s story about a middle class family)

Nesbit, Edith, The Wouldbegoods, 1901 (A children’s story about a middle class family)

Newbery, John, or, Goldsmith, Oliver? The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes, London; John Newbery, 1765 (A moral story about the rewards of good behaviour)

Newbery, John, The History of Master Billy Friendly and his Sister Miss Polly Friendly, London, J. Newbery, 1766

(Newbery, John: Tommy Trip) The Lilliputian Magazine, London, John Newbery, 1752

(Newbery, John) A Little Lottery Book for Children, containing a new method of playing them into a Knowledge of the letters, figures, etc....6th edition, London, John Newbery, 1767

(Newbery, John: Tom Telescope) The Newtonian System of Philosophy, London, John Newbery, 1761

(Newbery, John) Nurse Truelove’s New-Year’s Gift, London, John Newbery, c.1770

(Newbery, John) A Pretty Play-thing for Children of all Denominations, new edition, London, John Newbery, c. 1770

(Newbery, John) The Renowned History of Giles Gingerbread, London, John Newbery, 1764

Punctuation Personified, or, Pointing made Easy, 1824 (Children’s picture book)

Reed, Talbot Baines, The Fifth Form at St. Dominic’s, 1887

The Romance of Merlin, or, The early history of King Arthur c. 1450-1560, edited by Henry B. Wheatley, EETS original series vol. 10, 1899 (see chapter 2 for descriptions of medieval court life)

Shakespeare, William, Romeo and Juliet, 1597 Act 1, scene 3 (Juliet is thirteen, marriageable age in Tudor times)

Shenstone, William, The Schoolmistress, a poem, 1737

Sherwood, Mary Martha, The History of the Fairchild Family, 1818 (A famous moral story for children, containing the episode where the children are taken to see a corpse hanging in chains as a moral lesson)

Sinclair, Catherine, Holiday House, 1839 (A light, funny, children’s story)

Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight, an alliterative romance poem, 14th century,  EETS original series vol. 4, 1864 (descriptions of medieval courtly life)

Stretton, Hesba, Jessica’s First Prayer, 1866 (A moral story about life among the poor)

Stretton, Hesba, Little Meg’s Children, 1868 (A moral story about life among the poor)

Taylor, Jane and Anne, Original Poems for Infant Minds, 1804 (Poems for children by two Nonconformist sisters, including Twinkle Twinkle little star)

Taylor, Jane and Anne, Select Rhymes for the Nursery, 1807

Watts, Isaac (1674-1748) Divine Songs attempted in Easy Language for the use of Children, 1715 (reprinted many times, a very influential collection of moral and religious poems)

Woolstonecraft, Mary, Original Stories from Real Life, 1788

Wordsworth, William, Poems of Wordsworth, chosen and edited by Matthew Arnold, 1879


Alcott, Louisa May, Good Wives, 1869

Alcott, Louisa May, Little Women, 1868

Bradstreet, Anne (1612-1672) Works edited by John Ellis, 1867 (American Puritan poet, born in Northampton, England, emigrated with her family to Massachussetts, 1630

Field, Rachel, Hitty, the Life and Adventures of a Wooden Doll 1929

Montgomery, Lucy Maud, Anne of Green Gables, 1908.

Porter, Eleanor H. Pollyanna, 1913

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life among the Lowly, 1852 (1870 edition of the anti-slavery novel)

Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 1875 (Life on the Mississippi river)

Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 1885

Wetherall, Elizabeth, pseud. (Susan Warner) Queechy, 1852 (The story of a poor American orphan who marries a wealthy British aristocrat)

Wetherall, Elizabeth, The Wide Wide World, 1851 (The story of a girl who is separated from her family and what happens to her)

Wiggin, Kate Douglas, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, 1903

Wilder, Laura Ingalls, Little House on the Prairie, 1935 (Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867-1957) was born in Kansas of a pioneer family.  The Little House series of children’s books are based on family experience, and were published from 1932-1943)

Wilder, Laura Ingalls, On the banks of Plum Creek, 1937

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